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NEW Retreat Dates for Sedona and Costa Rica 2025!!


From Fear to Freedom

Positive Intelligence

Mental Health and Fitness


​80% of people score below the minimum required for peak performance and happiness.

​The great news? With recent discoveries in neuroplasticity, we now know we can create new pathways in your brain that will result in being less reactive and having a more calm, positive mindset.

Positive intelligence, or PQ, can be developed in as little as 7 weeks. 

The results? Dramatically improved performance and productivity and a clear and happier mind. ​

Build Powerful Habits For A Positive Mind

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what our program design empowers you to do. Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what our program design empowers you to do.
Live Happy Life Coaching Happy Face Logo

Why PQ Matters

When we are mentally fit, we have a greater ability to shift from a state of overthinking to a solution-focused approach to challenges. We experience greater motivation and are able to create a clear vision for our life. When we are mentally fit, we have a greater ability to shift from a state of overthinking to a solution-focused approach to challenges. We experience greater motivation and are able to create a clear vision for our life.
PQ helps us to develop focus, concentration, time management, and resourcefulness. We become more present, less affected by distraction, and able to better retain information. PQ helps us to develop focus, concentration, time management, and resourcefulness. We become more present, less affected by distraction, and able to better retain information.
You will be better able to handle your emotions. When we are mentally fit we are more confident and have a higher level of self-esteem which has a positive impacts on our relationships. You will be better able to handle your emotions. When we are mentally fit we are more confident and have a higher level of self-esteem which has a positive impacts on our relationships.
Sage Brain

Program Details

Over the next weeks, through daily practice, you will activate the sage portion of your brain which is responsible for positive emotions like empathy, love, compassion and creativity. Why is this important? The best solutions are found in the sage part of your brain. You can be successful and happy at the same time. Don’t let the saboteur win!


Coaching and Guidance

I will serve as your coach during the entire program. I will personally lead your cohort (pod), facilitate each of the pod meetings and l will be available to you at all times to answer questions.



Once a week, we will have a 60-minute online accountability group meeting with your pod. You will also have access to a larger global online community of program participants to answer coaching, provide coaching, and cheer you on. Research proves you’re 500% more likely to succeed in this program when you partner with people who can offer accountability and support.

Time Commitment

Time Commitment

You’d be committing to watching a 1-hour video once per week, doing a combined total of 15 minutes per day of practice guided by the Positive Intelligence app exclusively designed for this program, and a 45-minute pod meeting once a week. That’s 2 1/2 hours a week, less than 2% of your awake time for the duration of the program. Please consider that your self-sabotage habits are costing you far more than 2% of your time, effort, energy, and productivity.

You Are What Matters


You must be 18 years of age or older. You need to have access to the internet, Zoom, and a smartphone or device capable of running iOS 12.0 or Android 6.0 onwards. Finally, you must be 100% willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you.

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Anthony L.

“Whether you are feeling stagnant in life and need a push, or you are a high performing professional looking to achieve more fulfillment out of your work and personal life. I can guarantee that you will come out of Lisa’s program a stronger, better, and happier version of yourself than you ever could have imagined!!”

Allison L.

“I have zero regrets joining this program and could not have been more blessed to have someone like Coach Lisa to guide me through the whole process. If you’re looking for a sign to start your journey to a happier life, this is the sign!!!”

Yolanda V.

“It was the best decision I have ever made. Lisa has so much positive energy it just makes you feel happy to be around her. She is truly passionate about what she does. You will definitely learn techniques on how to deal with negativity and that voice in your head that is keeping you from being your best.

Sara B.

“Lisa’s coaching helped me find the path forward in my personal career when I was feeling very lost. Her no-nonsense but yet full of energy, light, and encouraging style didn’t make it feel like coaching but working with a dear friend who’s only focus was on me.