Weekly Updates & Replays
Week One: Self Command
Weekly Calls: Sundays – 5 pm MT/PT 7 pm CTHow to join weekly calls:1. Go to Zoom2. Click “Join Meeting”3. Enter above #587 109 4339
PQ Module: Self – Command
- Session opener: PQ with Touch
- Celebrate Wins
- Review of Habit Formation/Create morning routine with partner
- Share Goals
Celebrate wins! When you celebrate your PQs you are sending a dopamine (feel-good hormone) hit to your brain that this is good. Our brains love dopamine and will want to do it more!
3 R’s of Habit Formation:
Reminder – How will you remember to do this new thing?
Routine – Attach this new habit to an old habit you already have in your routine. Make it so easy and simple that there is no risk of you not doing it.
Reward – Celebration time! Allow yourself to feel excited. You GOT THIS!!
Gail: Be more positive
Alisha: Make time for herself.
Nina: Get the most out of this experience. Focus is on intercepting the Saboteurs not eliminating the negative thinking.