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Catabolic Energy

Focus: Explore catabolic energy. 

This week we will begin our 2-week journey into Energy. 

We have access to 2 types of emotional energy, Anabolic, and Catabolic. 

We will start with Catabolic Energy. 

Catabolic energy – aka “Negative Energy”.  Catabolic energy is triggered when we feel threatened.  It is used to protect ourselves from perceived harm. It results in experiencing feelings such as – anxiety, fear, worry, and sadness.

This type of energy is most often experienced in the form of; negative self-talk, negative environments, or negative people. 

There are 7 Levels of Energy, Catabolic energy exists in levels 1-2. 

In addition to the Meditation practice and daily Movement, you have been given challenges that will help you understand how catabolic energy exists in your life. 

Challenge 1: 
Anabolic and Catabolic Energy – Worksheet

Challenge 2: 
Level 1 – The Victim (Worksheet)
Level 1 – What is Controlling you? (Worksheet)

Challenge 3: 
Level 2 – The Fighter (Worksheet)
Level 2 — Your Anger Triggers (Worksheet)

MEDITATION – Listen to (1) ENERGY Meditation daily.

MOVEMENT – Continue movement daily. (15 minutes minimum) Apply MINDFULNESS to your movement a minimum of 1 x this week.  This means no music or distractions. Focus on being with your body during your movement.  If thoughts come, just notice them, and return to your body. 

We are creating new happiness HABITS.  Please follow these exact steps as you complete daily goals:

  1. Reminder – How will you remember to do your movement? Post-it note, alarm on your phone, do you need a text reminder…?
  2. Routine – This is your new behavior.  Be specific. Keep it as simple and convenient as possible. It is best to try and plan it for the same time each day if possible.
  3. Reward – Celebrate!! You absolutely MUST celebrate yourself each time you complete your new behavior. This tells your brain that what you are doing is good and should be repeated.

Putting it all together – This week’s Happiness Challenges

  1. Print out your “Daily Success List” and place it in a visible place. 
  2. Meditation – Daily
  3. Movement – Daily 
  4. Complete your challenges (3)
  5. Celebrate your completion of Mindfulness/Movement/Challenges – Daily

IMPORTANT REMINDER:  Catabolic energy is a normal part of the human experience.  Through awareness and acceptance, we release it more quickly.