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NEW Retreat Dates for Sedona and Costa Rica 2025!!



Ever find yourself wondering where your happiness went? The truth is, it didn’t leave you…you left it. With every decision that took you away from your core values, with every need you created for external validation, each and every time you choose not to make yourself and your well being a priority. Your happiness does not have to feel like a distant memory anymore. You can find your way back to happy, I can show you how.

Lopez-444 (1)

Call Me

1 (510) 396-2045


  • Remote/Virtual Sessions
  • Fremont, CA 94555
  • Flagstaff, AZ 86005

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Get in Touch

With just one conversation you can begin to see what is possible.
Make the commitment to reconnect with your joy, it is waiting for you.

Wanna know more? Contact me for a FREE consultation.