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Monthly Topics & Replays

August: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset


August: Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Session One: 

Recommended learning: 


Discussion highlights:  We examined the Fixed vs. Growth mindset module.

Questions to Consider:

  • How does your accomplice saboteur keep you stuck in a fixed mindset?
  • Where in your life do you feel the saboteur pushing you to grow? How can you shift that to the Sage?
  • Think of an area of your life where you have a fixed mindset.  What would change if you got 1% better daily in this area?
  • How does a fixed mindset feel differently in your body than a growth mindset?
  • How can you reframe your saboteur lies into a growth mindset message?

Challenge: Select a Growth Mindset Challenge for the month out of the planner (see link above) or create your own.  Identify something you have a Fixed Mindset about and work on shifting out of it by improving yourself in that area this month.  


Fixed mindset: I’m just not good at technology. 

Growth challenge: I will spend at least 30 minutes 3 x a week watching tutorials to help me manage my website.


  1. Watch the Growth Mindset Module in your app
  2. Create your Growth Mindset 30-day challenge – drop it in the group text!

Replay – August 12th

Session Two: