Happiness in Motion
Module 3
Week 3 Reflection
Reflection- CONNECTION
This week you improved your happiness by connecting with others. Connection is essential to human beings. We thrive when we share our life with others. Hopefully, you have found it helpful to practice connection in new ways.
Please share your CONNECTION experience by answering the questions below.
Which CONNECTION challenge did you find most satisfying and why?
Which CONNECTION challenge did you find most challenging and why?
What changes did you notice in your mood or attitude as a result of CONNECTION?
On a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being highest), how comfortable are you meeting new people?
What are some of the things that get in your way of being fully open to new people and new experiences?
How could your life be improved by increasing your connection in your current relationships?
List the benefits increasing your social connection may add to your life?
Did you enjoy this week’s challenges?
Identify one CONNECTION practice that you commit to maintaining consistently moving forward in your life.
How did it feel to have someone join you in your movement this week?
Did you notice any changes in your energy or motivation by having a partner?
Did you experience any challenges with this week’s movement? If so, explain.
Are there any changes in your movement you’d like to make moving forward that would improve your experience?
Please use this space to provide any additional feedback that you would like to offer.